Because your Lost and Found System shouldn't break the bank.
The system will always be free for players to fnd their discs.
Our introductory plan which includes access to DRN systems and
Everything from Starter plus
Everything from the previous two plus
Compare each plan to find what best fits your needs. You can mix and match features from Pro and Pro+ to Starter for an additional $5 and $7 per month per feature.
Access to the DRN Platform
Unlimited Discs and Texts
Custom branding and notification system
Access to the DRN Platform
Unlimited Discs and Texts
Custom Branding and Notification System
Because it gets pretty complicated trying to keep up with everything that we offer.
No! Players will never have to pay to use the Disc Rescue Network system, the Rescue Flow or any other aspect of getting your lost disc back. There may be cost involved in shipping a disc or in various pick up options but those are set by the course.
We do offer a free trial for courses that are wanting to sign up. Courses can get a 30 day trial to the Starter Plan by signing up through our website.
We understand that some courses might not need even the Starter Plan but want access to the sytem. For this we've designed the Pay As You Go Plan which starts at .15 per disc entered in the system. Does not include many features including additional texts with golfers and pickup locations not at your course.
We have a lot of exciting features to introduce to the platform. This includes the DRN Shop where courses can sell their used discs directly in the application and the DRN Vendor Management where vendors/stores will purchase bulk used discs from our courses.
For any course that might need a custom feature or solution we have a team ready to meet those needs. Please note that custom features are billed on an hourly rate of $150/hr with a minimum of 3 hours.